Friday, April 8, 2011

Forget it.

Alright, after looking through all my old posts.. I don't want to keep posting on this. The past is always the past and will always remain there. I'm going to start an all new blog :D

I don't want to be tied to this anymore. So Jackyl I'll let you know when I have the new one up :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Okay, you can't tell me you didn't LOL at atleast one of them.
P.S. The pictures are suppose to be moving stills from the movie, but blogger hates my .GIFS. But I'm pretty sure you still get the picture.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Drive the Nail.

I never wanted to be the materialistic type, and I never wanted to work a dead in job in order to buy all this useless crap.
As much as shopping makes us happy, in the end none of the things we buy matter. Not even the ones we pass it on to will be able to cherish it once like we did.
When my father came to furnish his apartments he literally would take items off the street that no one else no longer wanted. His home was a true Ravens Nest. I think to myself I should do that, I could... But I why would I, when I can spend $70 on a coffee table that has a cool flower design on it from IKEA?!

I make myself sick from time to time with this shit. Cause really, I need to save more money than I do spend it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lost Time.

I haven't been on this thing in what seems to be forever. I guess my problems have become miniscule, or I've learned how to deal with them properly.

Except one, a new one growing faster than a plague. I like this one though, only cause certain things that trigger my "memory" make me smile. They also can trigger from something else that makes me wish he was right beside me. It's to early to tell anything from this relationship, only cause it hasn't yet blossomed in to one. We're only at the first step and it's a long way until we reach the second step. BUT, I will wait and not become that person again.

Hopefully I'll be here again, soon.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My rant for ME, MYSELF, AND i.

No one will care.
But I have become a new TOMS fan, not for the stupid style, not to be "cool", but because they're comfy and I got a new pair tonight and I got to help out a kid for the second time :D EEE HEEHEHEHEEEE hurry up and get on my front door step.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Smoke Pretty :D

WHERE DO I BUY THESE?! What must I do?

Wow, this photo just made my day.

Thank you whoever uploaded/created this image :D
Now, may Ms. Monroe read your palm? She didn't really die she actually became Madame Zera off the corner of 5th and 8th. Good luck with that.

It's starting to get worse.

Interesting day indeed.
I'm not sure how to describe it, other than I rather not.
But tonight hopefully it will get better. I'm happy to have one of my baby's back.
So now it's Lelu, Leibovitz, and I.
I'm now missing two of my babies.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Facebook, GONE

Feels good. I did this with myspace. But seriously I was so sick of only having people reach me through that. DONE DONE AND DONE.